Friday, July 11, 2008

Potty Trained!

Gabby is finally potty trained! I wanted to try to get her potty trained before the new baby came along, but obviously that didn't happen. Then after the baby came I was too busy, but I finally decided it was time and she's been doing great!. The other day I had to go to Old Navy and Walmart, and I debated before we left, do I put a pull-up on her, or let her wear her big girl underwear? I decided to risk it. She went potty before we left and she did fine at Old Navy, then the second we pulled into the Walmart parking lot I hear "I need to go potty." So I rush the kids out of the car we run into Walmart, and of course the closest women's bathroom is closed for cleaning,but she's still holding it so we run to the back of the store to the other bathroom. I'm running with my cart, dodging in and out of people we finally make it to the bathroom (which by the way was totally disgusting). I was afraid she would refuse to sit on the toilet because she was used to her little potty, but she did with no problem! Yay! I'm back to just one kid in diapers!