Sunday, June 28, 2009


Annie is just as cute as ever and has started saying quite a few new words. Her newest word is "hi." She says hi to everyone, and continues to say it over and over, and louder and louder until she gets some kind of response. 
Anyone who knows Gabby knows that she is a very cautious little girl and is afraid of everything. On Saturday we went to the park and Gabby wanted me to go down the slide with her. I told her that I was too big to go down the slide and that she was old enough to go down by herself. She, of course, refused. I decided it was time for her to learn to go down the slide by herself. I carried her up to the slide, set her down at the top, and pushed her, screaming, down the slide. Darren was standing at the bottom waiting for her and by the time she got to the bottom she was grinning. She loved it! After that she went up and down the slide by herself for the rest of the time we were at the park. I guess I should have done that a long time ago. Now if I could only get her to ride her bike. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book Review

Earlier today Gabby and I were reading stories while Annie played on the floor. Gabby decided that she wanted to read Birthday Monsters, which Annie was looking at at the time. I told Gabby she would have to wait until Annie was done with it, and then we could read it. I figured it would be about 30 seconds, a minute tops and then Annie would be off exploring something else. A half hour later Annie was still carrying that book around with her! It was driving Gabby crazy! I even tried giving her another book, thinking maybe she just wanted a book. Nope. She wanted that specific book. So there you go, a book review from a one year old. Birthday Monsters. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Just a short, cute video. Please ignore the crazy hair!