Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big Laughs

Here's a video of Annie laughing, we've gotten little giggles out of her before but this is the first time we've heard any big laughs. All Darren was doing was clapping and for some reason she thought it was hilarious. She was tired though, you know how every thing's funnier when your tired. There's a lot of back ground noise in the video because Gabby was taking a bath. 

4 Months!

Look at those cheeks!
Annie had her four month doctor's appointment on Monday. She's up to 14 lbs. and 24 inches and she's healthy as can be. She had to get three immunizations and Gabby was in the room with me when they gave them too her. The nurse gave Gabby a sucker when they were done. Annie gets shots and Gabby gets a sucker, how fair is that.  I've started feeding her cereal, at first she wasn't too sure about it but now I think she's decided she likes it. I think she's starting to need something besides formula because she sucks down 8 oz. at every feeding like its nothing. We've also discovered that she loves being naked. It doesn't matter how cranky she is, if I take off her clothes to give her a bath she's all smiles, but then as soon as I put her diaper back on she starts to cry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fun at the Fair

Gabby and Cloie working hard on the farm
Gabby and Cloie screaming on the car ride
Gabby on the pony ride
Gabby went to the Utah State Fair with her grandparents and her cousin this past Saturday and she had a blast. She got to pretend she was working on a farm, planting seeds, picking vegetables and taking them to the market. She went on three rides, a helicopter ride, a car ride and a pony ride. All of which I'm sure she would not have done had Cloie not been with her. They have so much fun playing together! She ate ice-cream and licorice and came home exhausted. I wish I could have been there!