Friday, January 9, 2009

Cute Old Video

I came across this old video of Gabby singing, and it is so cute I just had to put it up. I can't remember exactly how old she is. Somewhere between 12 and 14 months. 

My little Sunbeam

Gabby started Sunbeams this past Sunday. I can't believe my little girl is a Sunbeam! I'm one of the primary pianists so I get to be in there with her every other week. It wasn't my turn to play this past week, but I snuck in and sat in the back during her singing time and sharing time just so I could keep an eye on her. She did great! She and all the other new Sunbeams were so cute! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Morning

We had a great Christmas this year. My dad and brother drove out from California on Christmas Eve and were able to make it to our house early enough on Christmas morning to see the girls open their presents. Gabby got exactly what she wanted from Santa, a princess backpack. Funny side story though, I had been asking her for weeks what she wanted Santa to bring her, and the only thing she ever said was a princess backpack, that was it. Then on Christmas eve, she says "I want Santa to bring me an ipod." I told her sorry, but I didn't think Santa was going to bring her an ipod. She says "Oh, okay then just a princess backpack." I'm so glad she's easy to please! Although she was excited about the backpack, her favorite present ended up being the magic wand that Spence got for her. Anabelle just had fun with the wrapping paper.